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I Had Never Meditated in My Life

I had never meditated in my life and since I’ve been attending Buddha services I look at my life in a whole different perspective.

Dear Dee

My name is **********. I want to tell you how grateful I am for teaching me how to meditate and for a wonderful retreat: I really enjoyed it. I had never meditated in my life and since I’ve been attending Buddha services I look at my life in a whole different perspective.

You asked us to name a good quality about ourselves. At first when I thought about it I had trouble saying some thing positive about me, “as crazy as it sounds”. But I had to remind myself that I’ve been working on myself since 2020. I changed my gang lifestyle, criminal thinking, negative influences and my believes. I been open minded to a new beginning and a new lifestyle/new way of living so to answer your question I said Im mindful. I became more understanding with out judgment, more compassion it, I can lisen to other’s opinions around me and willing to lisen to advise. In the past I was close mind it with trust issues. I always thought that people was trying to get over on me or was trying to play me. Now Im more aware of my feelings, thoughts, and emotions. I live in the moment now more conscious of every thing and every one.

As we start to meditate you guide us through it. You help me concentrate when you start saying body parts, and remind me to concentrate on my breathing but as soon as you say “tramas” I get tense and start lossing my concentrations and focus, I was able to see images about my cozins murder that I witnessed and other life experiences, when you hit the bell and tell us to process it acknowledge it and let it go I can feel my breathing getting back to normal and it centers me. Since I been attending the services Im able to focus more, be more at peace and have a positive look towards life. I want to thank you Dee for everything that you do for us and to help us become positive role models and better man for our family and our society’s.


This letter is presented unedited and in its entirety. Names have been redacted for privacy.


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