Meditation has allowed me to concentrate more of the good, pure and tender things within me.
On October 14, 2022, we had a buddhist meditation retreat at Ironwood State Prison D-Yard, Being guided by De Hong our spiritual advisor. After experiencing a riot that consisted over 300 inmates three weeks prior to the retreat and a two weeks of being confined in our Prison Cell.
Due to meditation, I was mindful of all the “Duddkha” around this sub-culture. Dukkha is human unhappiness living in a state of chronic unhappy and angry distress. As Buddhism makes me more aware that my life is constantly flooded with dukkha which makes me vulnerable to sorrow and loss, we fear our fears, especially in the holiday season in the Prison system.
In our meditation retreat I arrived tense, frustrated, and anxious for what I had witness. The moment I saw De, I felt an uplifted feeling by the way he calls me by my name and the way he embraces us with a warm greeting. The first exercise De had us doing was to say something positive about us or a good quality that we have. We when around the group and everyone genuinely shared there personal qualities. I chose Positive, Persistence, and Personality and resilence. For being mindful of these character traits that I’ve developed through out the Years has made me more appreciative. Meditation has allowed me to concentrate more of the good, pure and tender things within me. We meditated for approximately 2 hours, and during our meditation I felt optimistic and confident.
In the Buddhist teaching, anger is considered one of the greatest violations of human nature. Every time I meditate or when De arrives to the Prison, I’m Self-aware of the things that I tend to hold on, for Example, Anger, Resentment, and anxiety. When our hearts close, we operate with neither flow nor self-awareness. Anger shuts off any meaninful contact with the core of the self, that Part of “me,” that in the Buddhist teaching is called Your Buddha Nature. The 2 hours of meditation allowed me to nurture and cultivate my Buddha Nature with gratitude, hope, and Peace. This was an amazing experience that I’m always going to treasure, Thank You De Hong for believing in us and not giving up on us. Take care, from
This letter is presented unedited and in its entirety. Names have been redacted for privacy.